Vocational Guidance
Our students are bringing laurels to the School by getting admission to top universities in India and abroad, such as the University of Oxford, Sheffield University, Thomas Valley Institute (UK) and Stony Brook University (US). In India, our students have been admitted into BITS Pilani, Medical College Manipal University, Sri Ram College of Commerce, The Hindu College, Lady Sri Ram College and St Stephen’s College.

Life Skill Learning & Vocational Guidance
We are deeply conscious that our obligation to the students does not end with teaching the curriculum, but that we must prepare them for life.
Whether it be higher academic education at a college or university in India or overseas, a career in a profession, in the services, business and industry, in sports, media, performing and fine arts we recognize that for our children to grow and progress, we as a school have to lay the foundations of life skills: to develop self-esteem, to learn effective interpersonal skills like negotiation, and conflict resolution, and also learn to manage and contain stress.
Self-assessment is encouraged from an early stage and the Discovery Learning project is programmed to arrive at the choices they wish to make in life.
Aptitude tests are conducted at regular intervals. Our teachers and in-house counsellors work in close coordination with both students and parents.
Career advice is given through the annual Career Melas held in September each year, where talks are arranged with senior professionals from trade and industry, as well as professional career advisors. The talks are aimed at increasing awareness of specific careers and qualities and educational inputs needed for them. Attempts are also being made to coach students in appearing for interviews, giving presentations, writing CVs and covering letters.
During the summer vacation, we send students of classes XI and XII on Internship Programmes to multinational companies, NGOs, national dailies, banks, law firms, and retail outlets. They acquire first-hand work experience which we feel will help them develop into competent and contributing citizens.