

“To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child; to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.” The Mother.

Give your child that daily dose of your loving touch which will make him/ her secure. A secure loving touch produces a special sparkle on the face of the child. If the child does not have this sparkle you can be sure your child is insecure. The child is ignorant of the importance of study in his/ her life because the child has only just embarked on it’s journey. If the most basic need, namely, the security of being wanted, is felt by the child, the child is likely to always succeed in life. For the children, precisely because they are children, it is best to instill in them a confidence to both conquer the future and to learn to consolidate carefully as they negotiate their lives’ course.



Head Teacher, Pre – Primary