

Examination stress can cause nervousness. This can lead to sweating, palpitations (increased heart rate)diarrhea, forgetfulness, stammering, stomach cramps and even asthmatic attacks.

Over-anxiety also leads to nervousness.  For counter-acting it one must learn relaxation techniques. Pranayama is an effective method of relaxation. Meditation and prayer also help the mind to relax. Next week the world will observe Yoga Day. It is an excellent opportunity for those of us who are not familiar with it, to learn this form of mind-body  exercise that enhances  self-discipline,  The over-anxiety which causes nervousness is often due to lack of preparedness for the event. Hence, the most effective method of combating nervousness during examination period is by preparing thoroughly for the test/examination. Being well prepared, gives a feeling of self-confidence and this helps to overcome nervousness. To be well prepared for examinations one must begin the process of preparation well in advance and make a time table for study keeping in mind the limited time available for extra study during the week days after school hours. This will mean devoting more time during weekends and holidays to complete revision. Unless High School students are self-motivated and focused on achieving their targets, they will get left behind. I want every student to remember that we need to work really hard and do well in our studies for just 15 yearsor so of our lives ( age 6 to age 21 ) and we can then enjoy the rewards of this hard work for the rest of our lives. If we allow ourselves to be distracted during this stage in life and we fall short of  the requirements of the university, we maynot be able to acquire admission in the course of our choice  and may eventually have to settle for jobs which pay less. We  willthen have no one to blame but ourselves for having lost the opportunity we had for acquiring higher education. Less salary means continued monetary stress and perhaps other related problems.

If one is able to acquire the disciplineof hard work and thorough preparation during the time one spends in school, then this trait will be a tremendous asset throughout life as it will become a habit to be well prepared whatever the pursuit may be.

.In our daily lives, meeting deadlines and targets are a source of constant stress in every age group. In the school going age, it is mainly in the form of learning lessons, appearing for tests and examinations or completing home assignments.  The ability to cope is enhanced by observing regular routines and allocating specific time for each task. Working according to a time table that one has realistically set for oneself, is the best way to ensure a sense of control over the situation and thereby diminish un-necessary tension. One can always take the help of elders in the family and one’s teachers to work out a realistic time table.

Dr. ShakuntalaDawesar                                              

15th June 2015


School Counsellor