

There has been much debate of late on Patriotism and Freedom of Speech .What does Patriotism mean and is it linked to Freedom of Speech?  We need to be clear in our minds about such issues before we embark on heated debates about them.

Here I would like to restrict myself to  the terms  “patriotism” and “freedom of speech” in as far as it is concerned with that phase in life when one is still engaged in studies at a place of learning. A sense of belonging and pride about one’s place of learning contributes to one’s own image and sense of worth. Thus it means upholding the rules, regulations, traditions, policies and protocol which are associated with the institution. In fact, admission into any institution pre-supposes that one will abide by them.

During the phase of learning, it is important to have an open mind and question what one learns. It is important to discuss, and seek answers to doubts that arise in one’s mind. Inquiry and inquisitiveness in learning help a student to understand every aspect of the subject being taught and learnt.

To question and to debate on any subject is desirable as long as propriety and decorum are observed. When decorum is violated, the discussion turns argumentative and sometimes offensive. It is then no longer conducive to learning.

Student years are for learning and not for engaging in trade-union type of activities and political side tracking. The acquisition of education must be engaged in with single minded purpose. All round education also includes other extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. In most colleges and universities, student bodies are formed where elections are held to choose representatives, who form a core committee to serve as the link between the students and the faculty or management. The objective of such student bodies is to address issues that concern the students and their interactions with the faculty. Outside issues, especially political ones should ideally be avoided unless they are purely as a means of academic discussions. Participation in such a group serves as a method of obtaining practical experience of team work, brain storming, enhancing communication skills and leadership qualities.  Hence, most educational institutions encourage the formation of such student bodies. A prudent student is one who balances academics with sports and co-curricular activities.

Being patriotic means respecting one’s nationand unconditionally embracing all the signs and symbols associated with one’s nation. Whole heartedly accepting and taking pride in singing the national anthem and national songs, respecting the national flag and strictly following the rules which determine how, where and when it is to be displayed, acknowledging the national language  and most important, undertaking to protect one’s  heritage and motherland against invaders and enemies. It is the duty of every citizen to pledge to protect the territorial integrity of the nation. If any person, in any way demonstrates disrespect for the nation, then the patriotism of that person becomes questionable.

Our constitution guarantees us freedom of speech. Is this an absolute right granted at all times to all people? When elected members of Parliament take oath, they pledge to maintain confidentiality in matters that concern the nation’s security. This automatically curtails their freedom of speech on this issue. Similarly, anyone in any organization may need to handle confidential files. Such a person too cannot exert complete freedom of speech. Freedom of speech isrelative and attendant with great responsibility and self-imposed restraint in many holding positions of accountability. Therefore, one cannot argue that freedom of speech is absolute at all times. Free speech is a right we can all enjoy to a large extent in private but in public gatherings, shouting slogans and freely expressing hatred towards others people or the institution / university / state / or nation is tantamount to a blatant abuse of the freedom of speech. No freedom should be exercised by a person when it can result in the insult or injury of another. If it is done, then the person is answerable.

Many senior students will soon pass out of schools into institutions of higher learning. There will be many choices as they enter the threshold of this new phase and landmark in their lives. I am confident that each student who passes out of this school will be a patriotic citizen of this country who upholds all the values taught here.

My best wishes to all of you for a bright future.

Dr. ShakuntalaDawesar                         

14th, March 2016