

How does one teach these values? These are the qualities that make us distinct from other living beings and elevate us, humans, to a special plane! Really ? All animals, Elephant or ant, live as a team, sharing and caring amongst themselves. You don’t have to do Zoology or Anthropology to know this.

It got me thinking that it may be useful to consider introducing an element of nurturing in the daily lives of our children with a pet or even a plant. The child will then learn to care for something beyond him/herself. To be patient and to feel happy when the pet or plant looks content and starts to respond to the caring.

A pet and a plant require different degrees of caring. A plant would make us investigate the type of light, air, warmth and0 nourishment required. The infinite thrill of seeing your plant, bud, flower and fruit would truly be a gift quite priceless to your little one. I lived in a time when my grandma taught me things like what the flowers of worship are, how to make them into garlands, when were they ready 0for plucking, be it a flower or a fruit! I could judge these by touch or the aroma/ fragrance I smelled. The patience required to nurse a baby squirrel that fell out of its nest, protect it from a wild cat and then see it wander about with little ones of it’s own! These are invaluable moments of learning by living. And of Wonder! Why rob your little one or yourself for that matter the opportunity to live by loving?

By Ms. Viji Vasudev

H.T. Pre-primary