

The human body is one of the most complex of god’s creations. The body functions almost effortlessly as a well programmed, fuel efficient machine. We are unaware of the working of our liver, brain, heart, kidneys and other vital organs till we fall ill or get injured. Movements of the joints and locomotion occur almost as a reflex, digestion goes on noiselessly, the blood circulates without fuss providing nourishment to each part of the body and the repair and replacement of dead cells goes on all without our awareness.  The brain is the center of our cognitive and behaviourial functions. While we see with our eyes and hear with our ears, it is the brain that interprets these visual and auditory senses. Our ability to think, reason and plan are due to the advanced functions of the brain. If we want the mind and body in a fit condition free from diseases and dependencies then we must ensure that we keep fit by a regular regimen of healthy eating habits and exercise. Most forms of sports and physical exertion provide the body with the stimulus required to build stamina. Yoga, which is time honoured and recognized form of discipline helps maintain mind-body balance, aids in regulating our system and keeping it in optimal order. This fact has been documented the world over and yoga has gained acceptance as an ideal, non-traumatic method of keeping in balanced health

Exercise is essential to keep the body in good working order. Our daily activities like walking, bathing, sitting and standing also form low level exercises. Movements of the body are essential to ensure that muscles remain functional. When there is no movement of any particular part of the body as in those suffering from serious injuries of the limbs which requires immobilization for healing, the muscles begin to waste and this is called disuse atrophy. To keep all muscles in good working order and optimum strength, regular and sustained exercise must become a part of the discipline of life. It is now proven beyond doubt that the mind and body function as a unit and for total well-being the exercises must include the mind in the regimen. It is in this context that Yoga has found such wide acceptance the world over. It allows mind-body balance by incorporating body movements along with deep breathing techniques and meditation. It thus provides a holistic means for keeping the person fit in both body and mind. Yoga is an age old discipline in our country. The knowledge of Yoga, to a large extent has been passed on in a practical manner from teacher to student. There are now many books available on the subject. Since the teachings of Yoga are freely available for us, we must make the best of the opportunity to learn this technique while we are still young so that we can include it in our daily routine and reap the benefits during our entire life span. The main fact which puts yoga on a higher platform as far as exercise of the body is concerned, is that, it teaches non rapid regulated body movements which increase muscle tone and strength without putting us in danger of injuries. Yoga helps us to remain flexible in our movements and is therefore an ideal form of maintaining the body’s strength at every age and stage in life. The breathing techniques and meditation help to calm the mind and reduce the stress and tension which external factors create.

Dr. ShakuntalaDawesar                                                                              

22nd June 2015