
At Giggle-Gala, a pre primary virtual inter school event hosted by Modern School, Barakhamba Road on 30th November 2021, from more than 400 participants, Delisha Chhabra was awarded the First Position in the event, ' Chime-n-Rhyme' and Aadya Bhardwaj won

At Giggle-Gala, a pre primary virtual inter school event hosted by Modern School, Barakhamba Road on 30th November 2021, from more than 400 participants, Delisha Chhabra was awarded the First Position in the event, ' Chime-n-Rhyme' and Aadya Bhardwaj won the Third Position in the event,' Mono Act with Tact'. Tisha and Ritanya Verma won the Appreciation Award for the events, ' Raise your Mic' and ' I am a Narrator' respectively.