
At SHRITEQ, an inter-school IT competition organised by the Shri Ram School, Moulsari, on 11 and 12 October 2022, Ekveer Sahoo XIA and Aarush Mahajan XA secured the First Position for their Web Design based on a real world application. In Hackathon, the

At SHRITEQ, an inter-school IT competition organised by the Shri Ram School, Moulsari, on 11 and 12 October 2022,Ekveer Sahoo XIA and Aarush Mahajan XA secured theFirst Position for their Web Design based on a real world application. In Hackathon, the teamcomprising Ekveer Sahoo XIA, Sejal Gupta XIA, Chinmay Mishra XI E, Shamit Sharma XIC and Aarush Mahajan XA, secured theSecond Position for their product 'Heartly' that detects abnormal heartbeats in the Shark Tank style.