
At the On-thespot painting competition held at the Nehru Planetarium on 9 July 2018, Uday Rustagi, V D won took the II prize and Sarah Ilyas, VII took the III prize in category 1. Shreya Palit, X B has won the II prize in category 3. Winners were awarded

At the On-thespot painting competition held at the Nehru Planetarium on 9 July 2018, Uday Rustagi, V D won took the II prize and Sarah Ilyas, VII took the III prize in category 1. Shreya Palit, X B has won the II prize in category 3. Winners were awarded certificates and cash prizes of Rs. 3,100 for the II prize and Rs. 2,100 for the third prize by the Honble Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare.