
Annual Day Circular

School timings for participants on 22nd November will be 1 pm to 7 pm. Buses will ply accordingly for both pick-up and drop. Participants to wear the school uniform.

Participants to report at School at 2 pm on both show days, i.e. 23rd & 24th November.

. Participants to come dressed in costume for their respective events ( tableaux & dances). Basic make-up ( foundation, eyeliner, eye-shadow, blush-on, lipstick) & hair styling to be done at home. Only a touch-up will be done at School. Girls to carry a comb, hairpins, bob-pins, safety-pins, cotton balls, cleansing milk and a small make-up kit.

The entire make-up for the drama students will be done at School.

. The CANDLE MARCH sequence students ( selected students from class VI & class XII) will come dressed from home ( with make-up & in costume).

All students to carry their water bottles from home. School will provide a light refreshment on both 23rd & 24th November.

Since parking is short, we strongly suggest that parents use car pools and if required park cars at Ansal Plaza on both days, i.e 23rd & 24th November. A feeder bus will ply between 3.30 pm and 5.30 pm for parents between Ansal Plaza and School.

. Parents are also requested to cooperate with guards for instructions regarding parking.

Parents must attend the annual day only on the day specified on your invitation card.

Parents are requested to be patient and follow instructions for dispersal on 22nd, 23rd and 24th November. The dispersal plan is as below.

Parents are requested to collect their wards from their appointed dispersal venues ( detailed below). Students to assemble at their venues for dispersal after the grand finale. Parents of classes I to V to collect their wards from the front gate and those of classes VI to XII from the back gate.

Class I Right lawn ( on your right as you enter the front gate)

Class II & III Left lawn ( on your left as you enter the front gate)

Class IV Pathway near the left lawn

Class V Skating Rink

Class VI KG classes

Class VII Nursery classes

Class VIII to X Back field

Class XI & XII Basketball court
