
Annual Science Exhibition Invitation

Dear Parents,

Weare delighted to invite you to view theAnnualScienceExhibition on the occasion of Independence Day. It shall be heldon Thursday,21August between9amand 12:45 pm.

At our School,our annual science exhibition is our small offering, as it were, to the cause of our freedom.We believe that strides of science and technology alone, can liberate our motherland in the modern world. And therefore we strive toquietly construct ascientificand creativeattitude in our young minds.The preparations of theexhibits are anexhilaratingexperience for the children, including the improvisations of science kits and devices/models offeringsolutions to many present and potential socio-economic problems.The students will also exhibit projects done assummerholiday homework.

The focus forthe exhibitionthis year isSpaceExploration and it is our privilege to haveDr.R.Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India ( and formerly chairman of The Atomic Energy Commission as well as director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) as our chiefguest.

We look forward toyour presenceto encourage the children and bless the event.

Best wishes, Principal