
Attn: Pre school and Pre primary parents

Dear Parents,

The children are now in the second term and we must usher them back into a routine of learning, albeit in fun. Since classes are virtual, it is a greater challenge with small children and for this we seek your whole hearted cooperation.

Kindly enable the teachers to obtain the best outcome during the virtual classes in Pre school and Primary, by adhering to the following instructions.

1. Parent must log in well before the class starts. The link is sent out 15 minutes ahead of time so that every child is punctual to class.

2. Parent should be sitting with the child but not be visible in the camera frame.

3. Parents should not feed the child during the class.

4. The child should be seated on a chair with an upright posture. Sitting on the bed not permitted.

5. Parent must prompt the child to speak only when his/her name is called out.

6. Parents must assist the child to follow the instructions of the teacher and do the work. Parents must not do the work themselves.

7. All students must have the video on through the class so that the teacher can view what the child is doing during the class.

Thank you, Pre primary department.