
Circular Annual Day 2015


Circular Annual Day 2015

The School Annual Dayis around the corner and we depend on your wholehearted cooperation to make it a truly memorable occasion. Please adhere tothe following toenablea verysmooth functioning of theshow. School Timings for Participants 26th November,Thursday : 7:30 am 1:30 pmfor rehearsal. 27th November,Friday : 2 pm to 7:30 pmfor rehearsal. 28thNovember,Saturday : 2pm to 8 pm 29th November,Sunday : 2 pm to 8 pm The Perfect Ten buses will ply for pick and drop on all theabove mentioneddays. Studentsaretobedressed in School uniformon the two days of rehearsalandshouldcarryatiffin, a fruit,water bottle and the school almanac.Bags, jackets and other belongings should be labelled. Participants are to come dressed in costumes for theirrespective eventson28thand 29thNovember (tableaux & dances).Basic make-up (foundation, eyeliner, eye-shadow, blush-on, lipstick) and hair styling to be done at home. Onlytouch-up of make-up will be done at School. All students must carry a comb,safety-pins, cotton balls, cleansing milk -a small make-up kit. Hair should be freshly shampooed. The hair of the girls should betied in plaits. The girls with short hairmustwear a black hair band. Please do not accessorise the hair.Only black hair clips are allowed.Boys to havehairin a short, neatcut.Sikh boys to wear black patkas. No expensive jewellery or watches to be worn. The school will not be responsible for any misplaced items. The studentshould have a light lunch before reaching School.Refreshment will be provided by Schoolon 28thand 29thNovember. Attendance for participantson both daysis compulsory. For reasons of security, entry for two will only be permitted with the invitation card. Parents are requested not to click photographs as we have a School photographer. The photographs and DVD will be made available to the students and this would be intimated by School after the function. Aisles in the seating area must be keptfreefor the grand finale.The children will be handed over post the function. Parents are sincerely requested to cooperate and not approach the staff before this. Please keep your cell phones switched off during the programme. Since parking is short,we suggest theuse ofcar pools or park cars atAnsal Plaza on both days, i.e 28th& 29thNovember. A feeder bus will ply between 3.30 pm and 5.30 pm for parents between Ansal Plaza and School. Parents are also requested to cooperate with the guards for instructions regarding parking. Parents must attend the annualdayonly onthe day specified intheir invitationcard. Parents whocome to collect wards will be allowed entry into School from therear gateat 8:30pm.   Parents are requested to collect their wards from their appointed dispersal venues only (detailed below). Students will assemble at their venues for dispersal after the grand finale. Parentsto use the staircases near the reception to goupto the classrooms.The staircase near the auditorium is forexitonly. DISPERSAL





I & III III- E IV- A IV- B Respective Class Rooms Jr. Computer Lab Respective Class Room Respective Class Room

Ist Floor

8:15 pm

II Multi media Room

Ist Floor

8:20 pm

IV & V Respective Class Rooms

IInd Floor

8:25 pm

VI & VII Skating Rink

Ground Floor

8:30 pm

VIII Khushi Canteen Area

Ground Floor

8:30 pm

IX, X Front Lawn

Ground Floor

8:30 pm

XI PP-Gemini

Ground Floor

8:30 pm

XII PP- Merak

Ground Floor

8:30 pm

  Your childs perseverance deserves your undivided attention and your patience.With your cooperation alonewecanmake the function asuccess. Tania Joshi Principal