
Circular for classes 8 & 9 only

STAY ROOTED is a program by an NGO called EMPOWERMENT, that offers a hands-on experience of spending time in a village , far from the madding crowd of their city lives! They are given a chance to view village-life firsthand, stepping outside their comfort zones. To see the larger picture, stretching the horizons to know facets of rural India.

A 2 nights/3 day program is being offered to Classes 8 & 9 students in the month of June to experience life in a village at Kotabagh (30km from Ramnagar, foothills of Nainital, Uttarkhand.) The children will make the journey to and fro in an AC Volvo bus.

Cost :- approx Rs 5,500 per child.

An orientation was given to the children of classes 8 & 9 today and a detailed itinerary will only be given to those children who are interested. Please give your names and phone numbers to Ms. Divya Mehta, by tomorrow 21May 2014.