
Class 1 Excursion to National Bal Bhavan.

Dear Parents,
Some of the most treasured memories of school life are picnics, educational trips
and adventure camps, enjoyed with peers. Each year School offers opportunity
for such trips to complement classroom learning.
Smiling faces, twinkling eyes and full hearts are the precious memories from each
such trip. Together we learn sharing and caring, team spirit and time management and come back empowered.
Keeping this in mind The Indian School has planned a trip for students to National Bal Bhavan during school hours as per the date below.
Class 1- February 8, 2023
If you are inclined to send your ward, kindly complete and submit a print copy of
the consent form below by Monday 6th February,2023
Primary Department
Consent Slip
I___________________ parent of_______________, student of class________________, consent to send my ward for the school trip to National Bal Bhavan on 8th February,2023.
While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure
the safety and well being of my child, however, in the case of an untoward
incident, I shall not hold the School or any individual responsible for the incident.
Signature of Father ____________
Signature of Mother____________
Date: __________
Phone No. (F) __________________ (M) __________________