
Excursion Class IV

Place to visit: Crafts Museum Pragati Maidan

Subject Linkage: EVS, Art and Craft, English

Objective: To educate students about the traditional and local handicrafts of India. The Crafts Museum is one of the oldest museums in the capital and is a hub of art and craft. The visit to the museum will acquaint the children with some of Indias traditional handicrafts and will be a novel opportunity for them to meet local artisans and observe some of their crafts.

Transportation cost : Rs 100

Entry Fee: Nil

Total Cost: Rs 100

Date: 6 August, Tuesday, 2019

Timings : 9.30 am 1.00 pm


Consent Slip

I, _________________, parent of ____________________, student of Class IV, Section_____________,

consent to send my ward on the school excursion to the Crafts Museum at Pragati Maidan on

6 August, 2019. While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold any one responsible.

Signature of Father ______________________________ Mother _______________________

Date: ____________ Phone No [F]______________ [M]_____________________

Kindly send in the consent slip by 2 August, 2019.