
Excursion for Class V : Waste to Wonder Park

Excursion for Class V : Waste to Wonder Park

  Subject Linkage: Social Science, Science, Art and Craft   Objective: The park features life size replicas of the iconic Seven Wonders of the World, created of industrial and other waste like automobile parts, broken metal utensils and pipes. The municipality has harnessed wind and solar power to light up the park.   To sensitise students about the need for recycling waste material and deploying renewable natural resources for energy this excursion is an excellent resource.     Transport cost = 100 Entry Fee = Rs. 25 Total cost = Rs.125 Date: Saturday, 1 February 2020 Timing: 9:15 am to 12 noon     __________________________________________________________________________________  

Consent Slip

I ____________________________ parent of _________________________, student of class V section____, consent to send my ward in the School excursion to Waste to Wonder Park scheduled on1 February 2020 While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold any one responsible. Please note that the last date for submission of consent slip and the money is 29 January 2020 Wednesday. Signature of Father ________________________Mother ______________________     Date: ______ Phone No. [F] _______________ [M] _____________________