
Excursion For Pre School/Pre Primary : Sundar Nursery

Dear Parents,

You will be delighted to know that we will be taking our Pre School/Pre Primary students on an excursion to Sundar Nursery. The Pre School children will go on Monday, 17th February '20 and the Pre Primary on Tuesday, 18th February '20.

Kindly make sure that the children come to School in proper uniform with the Icard.

Parents interested may kindly send in Rs 100 in a sealed envelope to cover transportation and entry fees. Also a signed consent slip. Both must reach the class teacher latest by 14th February'20. ------------------------------------------------


I _________________ parent of __________________ student of Pre School/Pre Primary, consent to send my ward for the School excursion to Sundar Nursery on 17th Feb '20 (Pre School)/ 18th Feb '20 ( Pre Primary). While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold any one responsible. Signature of Father _______________________ Signature of Mother ______________________ DATE: _____________________ Phone No. (F) ___________________ (M)___________________