
Excursion to Bookaro: Festival of Childrens Literature for classes V/ VI

Venue: IGNCA, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road. Subject Linkage: English, Hindi, Sanskrit, French, Drama, Art and craft Objective: To introduce the students to contemporary writers and their books Transportation cost Rs. 100 Entry fee Nil Date: Saturday, 30 November 2019 Timing : 9.45 am to 1.15 pm.  

Consent Slip

I ____________________________ parent of _________________________, student of classes V/ VI section____, consent to send my ward on the School excursion to Bookaro- Childrens Festival scheduled for 30 November 2019. While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure the safety of the students, in the event of an untoward incident, I shall not hold the School responsible. Signature of Father ________________________ Mother ______________________ Date: ________ Phone No. [F] _______________ [M] _____________________