
Hindi Recitation Competition for Pre-School

Dear Parents, As we know Recitation is an art and can be a lot of fun. Besides helping to build poise and confidence which are always valuable. To therefore, instil a love for this and to develop recitation skills amongst our little ones, School is organising an intra-class Hindi Rhyme Recitation Competition for the Pre-School students on Wednesday, 31stAugust, 2016. Please take note of the following. It is mandatory for all students to participate. Students to come in School uniform. Props are optional, should be manageable by the student, no extra points will be given for the same. The rhyme has to be from the rhyme book page nos. 48-49 only. Students need to introduce themselves and their rhymes. Introduction, Voice modulation, Confidence, Pronunciation, Speech Clarity and Expression will be the parameters for judgment. The BEST RECITERS will be awarded certificates. As always School seeks your spontaneous involvement to help our little ones tread the path of development. Warm regards, Head Teacher, Pre-primary.