
Invite for Annual Exhibition

Dear Parents, We are delighted to invite you to view the Annual Exhibition on the occasion of Independence Day. It shall be held on Saturday 6 August, 2016, between 10 am and 12:30 pm. At our School, our annual exhibition is our small offering to the cause of our freedom. We believe that strides of science and technology alone, can liberate our motherland in the modern world. And therefore we strive to quietly construct a scientific and creative attitude in our young minds. The preparation of the exhibits is an exhilarating experience for the children, including the improvisations of science kits and devices/ models offering solutions to many present and potential socio-economic problems. The students will also exhibit projects done as summer holiday homework. This year the focus of the exhibition is Climate Change, which is a global challenge. Addressing climate change is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. An integrated approach is crucial for progress across the multiple goals. Our students through their models/projects have tried to find such solutions. On display will be a green building, designed and constructed by the students as an example of transition to alternate resources. The students shall endeavour to highlight the investment of human and social capital, modern communication and infrastructure to ensure a high quality of life, wisely using natural resources by participatory action. Prof. Dr. B. N Jain, Vice Chancellor ( Retd.) BITS PILANI ( all locations) has consented to be chief guest. Undoubtedly his and your presence will elevate the occasion and greatly motivate our young minds. With warm regards, Tania Joshi, Principal.