
Math Activity- Diwali Mela

As customary, class 8 is organising a Diwali Mela for classes 6-8, as a mathematical activity. The mela will be held on 16th October 2017 between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm at School.

The objectives of the event are:

To encourage financial literacy among students. To enable the comprehension of concepts such as Profit and Loss, Discount and Percentages in a hands'-on experience. To learn to value money. To foster team work and organising skills

The mela will have the following attractions: Handmade items such as cards, diyas and torans. Food stalls of bakery items, juices, savouries and snacks prepared by students. Entertainment with mathematical and skill based games.

The students of classes 6 and 7 can collect coupons for the mela from their class teachers. Parents are advise to keep a cap on the expense while extending their cooperation to make the event a success.

The proceeds of the mela will be treated as Shramdaan for charity.