
Message from the PTA

Dear Tania Maam,

Greetings !!

We are delighted to know that you have recently been recognized at Delhi State level for your persistent hard work and dedication in raising the overall standards and performance of The Indian School. Though it is evident that the school has been continuously receiving awards and has been acknowledged in various forums for its values and performance, all of this would not have been possible without you and your dynamic vision for making our school a preferred choice for students and parents alike.

Your leadership skills and your in-depth knowledge has not only equipped the schools teachers come up in delivering outstanding results, but is also helping in giving shape to a strong, effective and robust PTA body.

On behalf of the entire PTA body, please accept our best wishes on receiving this state level award, and we wish that you achieve new levels of personal and professional success in coming time.

On Behalf of the PTA Body, we thank you for your continuous mentoring and guidance.

Best Regards,

PTA Body The Indian School