
Night Camp for PP

Our School is organizing a night camp for the children of Pre-Primary graduating to class 1. The details are as follows: Date - 20 March, 4 pm to 21 March, 10 am. Venue - School Arrival - 20 March at 4 pm through Gate 1 Dress - As you like Things required to be carried (All items to be labeled) 1) Toothbrush 2) Toothpaste 3) Hand towel 4) an extra set of clothing 5) Night dress 6) Slippers 7) Pillow 8) Bedsheet) 9) Blanket/ Sleeping bag. ITINERY 20 MARCH 1) We welcome the children 4 PM 2) Getting to know each other better 4:30-5 PM 3) Evening snack 5-6 PM 4) Activities and games 6-7:30 PM 5) Dinner 8-9 PM 6) Bonfire 9-10 PM 7) Bedtime story 10-10:30 PM 8) Bedtime 10:30 PM

21 MARCH 1) Wake up 6:30 AM 2) Early morning jog 7:00AM 3) Getting ready for breakfast 7:30-8:30 AM 4) Breakfast 8:30-9:30 AM 5) Departure 10 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSENT SLIP I ___________Mother/Father of ________________ PP sec _____________ would like my child to be a part of the night camp to be held on 20 March14.I understand the school teachers and authorities will take care and precautions to safeguard my ward. However,in the event of any untoward incident, I shall not hold the school responsible.

MOTHERS SIGNATURE____________ MOB NO______________

FATHERS SIGNATURE____________ MOB NO______________