
Notice from the Principal

Dear Parents,

It has come to our notice that certain parents are circulating a false and misleading message on WhatsApp groups, spreading rumours about the status of our court case.

We would like to clarify and enlighten all, that the writ petition filed by School is still Sub Judice before the Honble Delhi High Court and therefore it would be improper for the parents with vested interests to misquote court proceedings. In fact in view of the recent judgment of the Honble High Court, the impugned order passed by the Directorate of Education is unsustainable in law. Parents are therefore requested not to give any credence to this unsolicited and mischievous rumour- mongering on the part of a handful of persons who are doing the same at the behest of outsiders, without realising that in the process, they are hurting the very educational institution where their own children are students. How can weightage be given to the opinion of people with such myopic vision?

In respect of excursions to be undertaken for students on a voluntary basis, henceforth the School policy will be Pay and Participate.

Similarly, w.r.t. the Justice Anil Dev Singh Committee recommendations, the Honble Court has already granted a stay to the School, directing the Directorate of Education not to take any steps against the School. Our Schools writ petition along with approximately 170 other similar writ petitions of leading schools of the city, is pending adjudication before the Honble High Court. The persons circulating these baseless messages are not even party to the proceedings and it is surprising that despite this, they are spreading misinformation.

All parents are therefore advised to ignore these false and unsubstantiated messages with perhaps a view to garner some traction. Many parents have realised over the past months that this adventurism is completely misplaced and have disassociated themselves from the Whattsapp group.



29 March, 2019.
