
Parent Feedback on Annual Exhibition 2021

Feedback- Annual Exhibition -Shovna Talwar Dear Sir/ Maam It was a very wonderful exhibition and great job done by all the kids and teachers. Well done. And a big thanks to all for giving my daughter the opportunity to participate in the same. Regards Shovna Talwar Mother of Kiara Talwar Class 2 A



Exhibition feedback-MUKTA SHARMA

Good afternoon all

This is to express my heartful gratitude to all the teacher's for making this exhibition a great success.

My son participated in the French exhibition ,as french is a new subject for him ,still I'll say in just few months he's been able to take part in the exhibition is a great success for us. Special thanks to his french teacher Twili das mam for grooming him for the same and to be very sweet and co operative at all times.

Thanks to everyone

Hope to have many more events in future .

Regards Mukta kapoor Mother of Shivansh kapoor 6D


Appreciation for Exhibition- August 14 -Danish Umair Khan


The Principal

The Indian School

New Delhi

Dear Maam

We attended the glorious exhibition on August 14, we are so glad to see our kids performing so well even in online mode. Their performance, confidence and ability to depict complex subjects in the most entertaining mode, is a clear reflection of the able guidance of your teachers and staff, it was a clear outcome of the tireless efforts of your teachers. My son Abdullah Khan participated from class 2A, and we are truly thankful to his teachers specially Shikha maam for her continued efforts, repeated guidance and attention to details. Under her excellent teaching skills my son has performed continuously well, we can observe his progress and attachment with studies even during lockdown. I especially like to thank you and all your staff for continuing all activities even through online mode, which is really commendable and we will request you to organize more activities in future. Your teachers and staff have made online classes so interactive that children are not facing any difficulty.

Warm regards

Sincerely Yours

Danish Khan

Shabana Khan

Parents of Abdullah Khan, 2A


About the Exhibition Nidhi Jain

Hello I am Nidhi Jain,

I watched the Exhibition. The efforts of the children were commendable and very appreciative. The Students' presentation in the Exhibition was very good.

Thanking you Regards

Nidhi jain


Feedback- Annual exhibition-Harsimran kaur

Respected Principal Maam,

We feel extremely proud of writing this email regarding the recently conducted annual exhibition of The Indian School. As the past year has been so difficult for both the students and teachers, but, the pains and the extra effort the teachers have put in to overcome this situation is laudable and it was evident in the event. The focus with which the kids have worked on coordinating and presenting the whole program online requires a humongous effort and they did it so effortlessly. The credit for this goes to the discipline instilled by you and your entire team. We would also like to thank all the other teachers from various other departments for their contribution. Maam we were honored to be a part of this event and witness how well our kids are shaping up. Best Regards Dr.Harsimran & Dr.Sukhvinder (Parents of Gunseerat kaur, Class IV-D)


Annual Exhibition 2021-Aashima Sehgal

Respected Tania Ma'am

We would like to congratulate the School and the teachers alongwith the participants for putting up a great show. Be it the Radio Show in English Exhibition or Gifts of Nature - Trees & Birds in Hindi Exhibition, all were exemplary and commendable. The teaching of Newspaper and Digital Comics online was a great idea. The Science exhibition was astonishing as always. The models, presentations, experiments were amazing. The great efforts in putting this together were evident in the performances of the students who showcased immense confidence, innovation, knowledge and technical skills while exhibiting them.

A big applause to all the teachers and participants who practiced for many hours numerous times with complete sincerity and diligence. Days of Planning and implementation can be seen in everyone's tremendous efforts. Most importantly, the way this online exhibition was categorized and scheduled with almost no lag or glitch is praiseworthy.

As they say, 'Great leaders inspire others', a special thanks to Principal Ma'am, the Management of The Indian School and the teachers for providing this platform and giving opportunities to our children for their holistic development. Must say, even under current circumstances our school is leaving no stone unturned to function smoothly. We really appreciate being a part of it.

Thanks and Regards

Aashima & Siddharth Sehgal (Parents of Aaryan Sehgal & Suhani Sehgal)


Feedback on the exhibition 2021 -ekta harjani

Khushi Jadwani parent of Ish Jadwani class 3-A

Respected ma'am, A hearty congratulations to The Indian School on its 25th anniversary and for successfully conducting the virtual exhibition for the second time . Everything was very well conducted and organised. We could see the effort put in by each child to exhibit such innovative ideas and the driving force ,our teachers behind the students. Many congratulations to the entire Indian School team . Warm Regards Khushi Jadwani


** Excellent - Annual Day Exhibition ** -Raman Kapoor

Respected Tania Maam,

We are writing to let you how much we liked and appreciated the Annual Exhibition that was scheduled online on 14th August 2021. The hard work and enthusiasm of children could clearly be seen by the way they presented, narrated, and highlighted various knowledge and general awareness-based topics.

A special thanks to the teachers, without whose efforts this annual exhibition could not have been possible. One could clearly see that the talent is nurtured at The Indian School right from the early schooling days and till the final schooling years. None of this is possible without the directions of management and a good leader such as yourself.

We once again thank you for the fantastic Annual Day Exhibition and look forward to be a part of many such events.

With Warm Regards,

Raman Kapoor (F/o Aman Kapoor (IX-D) and Amaira Kapoor (3-A))


Annual Exhibition - 2021 -Indian School

Dear Tania Maam,

On behalf of the PTA, we would like to congratulate all for a wonderful Annual Exhibition which exceeded the expectations of parents and children. The enthusiasm of children who participated in the exhibition was contagious and a motivation for all the children of the school. Parents on the other hand were delighted to see children performed to perfection during the exhibition.

And while all the praises are for the young & talented students, it was our teachers who worked under your leadership to select, organize and deliver the perfect Annual Exhibition.

Our Best Wishes to all the teachers without whose support this Annual Exhibition would not have been possible, and special thanks to you ,Tania maam and Anu maam for your continuous support and encouragement. With Our Best Wishes,

PTA The Indian School


Feedback on exhibition -Gaurav Mendiratta

Good morning respected teachers and all the organisers,

I would like to let you know that the exhibition happened yesterday was an awesome experience and everyone perform so well and I am really happy to see such wonderful performances from kids of all sections and I looking forward to such events in the future to boost the moral of all the students and their parents as well and it will help in the interpersonal and presentation skills of the children to be enhanced thank you so much

Thanks again, Gaurav Mendiratta Father of Kaashvi Mendiratta


Feedback of annual exhibition-Agrim Bhardwaj

Dear teachers,. We are Agrim bhardwaj's parents. We would like to appreciate and thanks to all the teachers, principal ma'am n lovely kids for this wonderful unique exhibition.All children have spoken very well. All the children were good, intelligent n brilliant. All performs were very wonderful and fabulous.All this would not have been possible without the support of the teachers. Thanks to all teachers again that they prepared the children so well.. Regards

Agrim bhardwaj's parents. Agrim, Class 1-E


Parent feedback on exhibition -Ivaan Rastogi

The exhibition held on 14 th August was well organised and participated.It was nice to see the kids presenting in the exhibition with confidence and understanding of the topics.

Regards Neelima and Amit Rastogi ( Mother & Father of Ivaan Rastogi class 1& Ishaan Rastogi class 5)


Respected Tania Maam -Pinkle Gulati

Respected Tania Maam

A big applause to you for exemplary & extraordinary mentorship. Our children our blessed to have you as their role model. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for being a Strong guiding force behind our childrens holistic growth. Giving them roots to grow and wings to fly.. Heartiest Congratulations to the entire school and hardworking team for setting unprecedented example of good planning, coordination and immaculate execution of a wonderful exhibition. It was treat for eyes to see amazing artwork, models, presentations and great confident demonstration of subject expertise by students. The teacher student coordination was truly commendable.. we can never repay the amount of hard work and efforts that were put by the teachers and specially in this virtual environment with pandemic limitations.. A big thanks for encouraging children to participate and giving them great exposure. Helping them adapt to the new methodology, evolving to the new ways and techniques. The school has once again raised the bar of excellence.. 3 Cheers for The Indian School team.. You are undoubtedly the best!

Thanks a ton Warm Regards Pinkle Gulati

Click here to view


Vedanti Taneja

The exhibition was really great and very much informative . Everyone explained there part very nicely and I like what all the information shared about PCOS , the tensegrity , and how masks can reused . I have gained a lot of information only because of exhibition .


Todays exhibition Appreciation -Nandni Thadhani

Dear Principal,

Thank you for organising the online exhibition and inviting us to attend today. I appreciate the students' hard work and the teachers' support throughout. It was amazing to see the students communicating to the tee and presenting amazing fashion show. Furthermore ,it was interesting to see the potential young national leaders of tomorrow. Moreover it was lovely to see the portfolio presentation by the young upcoming fashion designers of tomorrow. I had a great time today, and thank you for the learning experience .

Wish everyone best of luck for the future endeavours.

Regards, Nandni Thadhani. PTA Rep XI


Very fruitful exhibition -ghosh.aditapu

Dear Principal,

I want to convey my regards for giving us an opportunity to visualise such an excellent presentation of the kids through your esteemed exhibition. It is really a good attempt by your school to take out the best from the students. Yours effort to take care of the students is praiseworthy. We thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and really overwhelmed by the presentation of various innovation. I appreciate your effort and hope you will continue to do so. Thanking You once again, Apurba Ghosh Parents of Adit Ghosh of Class XI-B


Feedback - Exhibition -Niranjan Mathur

Respected teachers,

The Exhibition was very nice, a lot of efforts put by all the students and teachers. Such a fabulous event. So well organized and the presentations were remarkable. Congratulations!

Niranjan Mathur and Anju Mathur Parents of Avani Mathur XI-A
