
Parent Speak:

Dear Maam

I am Shabana Khan, my two children (Nuha Khan 3B, & Abdullah Khan PS Agena) are studying in your esteemed institution.

At the outset I would like to thank you and The Indian School for providing affordable quality education to my children. We are extremely satisfied with the quality of education, curriculum, teachers and overall systems of the school. The unique quality of The Indian School is focus on value education which not only helps my children to learn new things but also develops them as better human being. Your specific focus on discipline, values, timeliness and uncompromising attitude towards school systems has also helped my children to develop those habits.

Being parent we know that as compare to other private schools of Delhi, The Indian School provides much more affordable and quality based education which is difficult to find in other schools. Your systems and payment processes are transparent and leave no space for suspicion. We understand that due to continuous inflation, implementation of 7thPay Commissions recommendations and incremental cost of other expenses; school is bound to increase the fee and we still feel that rate of increment is quite reasonable. We also know that Indian School has fully implemented Right to Education Act and providing free education to children from underprivileged sections of society. Which is a great contribution.

In fact a unique quality of your school is you never discriminate among your students based on their economic status which is a great learning for my children as well.

In view of above we are seriously sad with the behaviour of some parents; whose children have been benefitted by the school. We strongly condemn the action of the parents and assure you our fullest support.

From our side as responsible parents, we have started saying STOP DEFAMING OUR SCHOOL.

We will always be happy to support the school in whatever possible manner.Its my children's First home.

Once again we thank you for working a noble cause.

Warm regards Shabana Khan Danish umair khan