
Parent Speak

Respected Tania Maam,

Hope this email finds you and our teachers in best of health and spirits !!

While we all fight the invisible enemy (COVID-19) , this pandemic has also made many things visible on many fronts, which would otherwise may have got unnoticed on account of busy lives or daily rat race.

It is most impressive and encouraging to see that teachers, in no time, switched from their routine classrooms to e-classroom model and ready with all the related learning content for, their students and our children. While some of us faced some challenges initially, but the consistent efforts and support of the teachers, and their encouragement in resolving concerns, were appreciated and acknowledged by parents.

Huge and time consuming efforts of teachers in making presentations, learning material, reference material and activities before the class requires teachers to undertake and invest many hours before the class. Teachers commitment and zeal is clearly seen and felt by parents who at times are sitting with children during the class. And while all of the preparations were done in silence by the teachers, we as parents, could not see behind the scene the sacrifices, hard work and dedication of our teachers. And none of this could have been possible without your direction and guidance Tania Maam.

Tania Maam, you took bold decisions to steer the ship of our childrens future out of the storm and reassured parents, that the future will be more positive and promising for the students of The Indian School. It is in times like these, that a true leader leads from front and paves a way for the rest to follow. This letter is not complete without special mention of some exceptional teachers, who we feel, have gone an extra mile to create a wonderful learning experience for our children.

Our daughter, Amaira Kapoor (Class- IIA) is the most enthusiastic and happy to get on to her class every morning, not only has she attended all the classes till date, she loves the way all the teachers have been teaching in the class. Amairas class teacher, Ms. Shikha Sharma, is the most loved by her. Amaira loves to attend her class every morning and she is ready with all her activities and work to show to her favourite maam. Shikha Maam also ensures that all students are given an opportunity to participate during the class and for the activities. Needless to say, that all of this love and enthusiasm shared by Shikha Maam reflects her years of teaching experience and her wisdom is managing the class through an electronic medium (which is a first time for her and our children together). Bravo !! Thank you Shikha Maam.

Our son, Aman Singh Kapoor (Class VIII B) has equally used this opportunity to learn the subjects taught by his teachers through the e-classroom. Not only has his interest in learning developed, he now utilizes his time in understanding and learning new concepts and technology. During this lockdown, he learned to make videos, edit them and create content. All of this couldnt have been possible without the guidance and support of Ms. Vandana Tiwari. While she is the one students look up to, she is always ready to devote extra hours in coordinating and in creating a cohesive learning experience for students. Vandana Maams, dedication towards her students is matchless. Thank You Vandana Maam.

In these unclear times, the only thing that is clear is that, Tania Maam, you and the team of teachers at The Indian School, have gone beyond their call of duty, to ensure that our childrens future is secured, bold and bright.

Our most humble and special thanks to all the teachers of The Indian School, who are always there for our children. And Happy Holidays !!!

Raman Kapoor

Father Aman Singh Kapoor and Amaira Kapoor

Tina Kapoor

Mother - Aman Singh Kapoor and Amaira Kapoor


Dear Parents, Thank you for your wonderful encouragement! We are delighted to receive your message. It is with the spontaneous collaboration and support of parents like yourselves that we are able to achieve the best for our children. Yes indeed we hope that the situation restores soon and we eagerly await seeing the children back at school again. Meanwhile happy holidays and stay safe! The Indian School.