
Parent Speak:

Dear Principal Maam,

The reason for writing this today is not only to highlight and acknowledge the efforts of the school but to also encourage the teachers and management of the school for a great job they are continuously doing.

Upbringing of children in todays society is challenging in more than one way, and this becomes harder, when the tie between the school and parents gets pulled apart in different directions, and due to which the relationship looses its trust. On one side we are clearly looking at creating the next generation of smarter Indians, and considering the fact that India would have the youngest manpower workforce in the near future, on the other hand, we are ready to leave the schools hands at blink of an eye, who today is responsible for equipping our children the necessary skills to become a part of this workforce.

Over the last 08 years of my association with the school, its teachers and management, I have never come across any incident, action or suggestion from the school, which is not favouring the children or parents. It may be activities out of the school, excursions, interactive sessions by industry leaders and renowned personalities. These type of initiatives not only increase the industry relationship but also create a strong brand name of the school, which in-turn helps to build confidence level of the children. I still remember the days when I used to invest hours in getting school forms, filling them up and submitting them, and then finally waiting that my childs name comes in the draw. And today, when the school has invested time and teacher have invested their efforts in making our children strong by equipping them with knowledge, some of the parents have chosen a path to stand against the school for reasons best known.

While we celebrate openness, and believe in democracy and rights of every individual, some of the parents have taken the liberty to represent all of us and stand against the school. Its extremely disheartening to see name of our childrens school out in the open for all the wrong reasons, while the school website clearly shares the achievements of our children. I want to tell the school that barring a few, there are a whole lot of parents, who are with the school at all times and will stand next to the school for a larger benefit of our children, their future and society. The Indian School is a prestigious School in South Delhi and we, as parents have chosen to send our children to this institution based on our will and choice. It was a choice we as parents made, and not the school.

I, and many more parents will continue to support The Indian School, its teachers and management, as I know that its all in the benefit of our children and for their future.

PS: Though everyday is a teachers day as life is the biggest teacher of all, I request the school to celebrate Teachers Dayon 05th September and allow our children to enjoy and cherish the bond with the teachers, as end of the day, without a teacher, there can be no future for our children and our society.

Thank You once again,

Best Regards, Parminder Kaur