
Parent Speak

Dear Maam ,

We would like to appreciate the efforts put in the school management and teachers in making the online classes successful during this pandemic period of COVID -19 .

Overall we really like the online class model as the efforts put in by the Teachers ( Gurus) be it teaching , assignments ; lectures and test are straight forward ; informative and effective .

It has really helped our children in understating the world of Artifical intelligence and nurtured the required talent which is needed in corporate world.

Would like to thank you once again for the incredible classes.

Regards ,

Parvesh & Nandni Thadhani

( parents of RITIKA THADHANI of Xth A )


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your encouragement. Yes it has been a challenging time and the teachers and students have risen valiantly.

It is the support and cooperation of parents like yourself which helps us to, together, do the best for our children.

Our best wishes for your safety and well-being.

The Indian School.