
Parent Speak

Respected Ma"am,

I Sonali Narang mother of Manya Narang X-C sincerely Thank and Appreciate All the Teachers,Staff Members and Principal of The Indian School to take this initiative of holding online classes and continuing the studies and henceforth not making the students lose their time and efforts during this pandemic. The pandemic has been a painful period for all,because of the anxiety and uncertainties attached with it,but everything passes so this will also end, it is a matter of time and more of patience. I wish all the Teachers, Principal Ma"am and the Staff members the best and do take care of yourselves.

Thanks And Regards Sonali Narang


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your encouragement. Yes it has been a challenging time and the teachers and students have risen valiantly.

It is the support and cooperation of parents like yourself which helps us to, together, do the best for our children.

Our best wishes for your safety and well-being.

The Indian School.