
Parent Speak

Subject :Graduation Day for the batch of 2021

Dear Ma'am,

I take pride yet again in conveying my heartiest Congratulations and sincere thanks to the School Management and the amazing faculty members of The Indian School, for the memorable Graduation Ceremony organised for the outgoing batch.

Though held virtually under the circumstances, the proceedings evoked an emotional connect with all present. The Graduation ceremony put our children , the batch of 2021 , in the spotlight as the heroes of the evening, as they rightly deserved at the end of their momentous school journey . It was so beautiful and surreal to experience the event as a proud parent .

Thank you once again for making the impossible possible and giving our children and us parents , these special moments and memories which we will cherish for a lifetime.

Thanking you, Regards, Prachi Kacker.


Dear Mrs. Kacker,

We are touched by your sentiments. Indeed it is a proud culmination of years of love and nurturing, for us both equally.

Thank you for your support and collaboration which has greatly helped take our task to fruition. We are confident that the academic acumen and values we have armed the children with, will keep them safe as they navigate their worlds.

With our best wishes, The Indian School.