
Parent Speak

Subject: Appreciation mail for Ishleen maam

To The Principlal Through this mail I would like to drop a note of appreciation for Ishleen mam and about how well she has been teaching, and how she has made foundation of my daughter strong in various concepts . Its great to see such kind and knowledgeable teacher handling my daughter and that too from far off. In these virtual classes me and my daughter dont feel that anything is missing as Ishleen maam makes it so personal for kids . I really want to thank ishleen maam for being there. Maam is always helpful and is available with a prompt reply which makes learning process easier. I really wish kids could meet maam personally once before going to next class. I want to thank school also for providing such good teachers and learning opportunities to my ward .

THANKING YOU Divya Garg M/O Geetanshi Garg Class 2c


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your encouragement. So glad that Geetanshi was able to rise to the challenge of online classes with the help of her teacher.

It has been an overwhelming year for us all and we are happy and proud that the children and their teachers valiantly made the paradigm change.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Best wishes.