
Parent Speak

Uzma Siddiqi Subject: Letter of Appreciation: Teachers - Class I

Dear Team

My name is Uzma Siddiqi and I'm the parent of Zidaan Siddiqui (Class I - C).

I'd like to thank all the teachers for putting their heart and soul, despite of the limitations of the online environment and technical issues involved, in making this morning assembly so beautiful and interacting on account of the Children's Day.

The presentation made, did clearly show the efforts put by all the teachers and coordination amongst them.

Hope to see you all in person soon.

Thanks and Regards

Uzma Siddiqi


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your encouragement! It is indeed very fulfilling when our efforts for the children come to fruition. The cooperation of parents such as yourselves is extremely valuable to enable us to achieve what we aspire for them.

Best wishes, The Indian School.