
Parent Speak

Shovna Talwar Subject: Appreciation for Shikha maam (CHILDRENS DAY CELEBRATION) We parents of Kiara Talwar (2A) loved watching her teachers assembly today. All the teachers danced really well and gave their good wishes and blessings to the little ones. We had a wonderful time enjoying and watching them dance and giving us blessings. Love you Shikha maam. Blessed to have u as our kids class teacher. A sincere thanks to our respected Principal maam Ms.Tania Joshi. Happy childrens day to all Shovna & Rakshit Talwar Parents of Kiara Talwar


Dear Parent, Thank you for your encouragement! It is indeed very fulfilling when our efforts for the children come to fruition. The cooperation of parents such as yourselves is extremely valuable to enable us to achieve what we aspire for them. Best wishes, The Indian School.