
Parent Speak

Minaz Subject: Testimonial - My sons experience on offline classes

Finally! its on- offline classes!!! was the first reaction from my son when he got the news. Now I would be able to touch the green grass, the morning dews and breathe fresh air on the other side of my window. Something beyond the virtual walls. So much excitement as he placed his feelings on the platter and served me.

But like many other parents who are struck by the pandemic fear, I wondered if I could give his wings a fly? I was aware they are the vulnerable ones but disconnection with the outer world was not the solution. Nonetheless, after speaking to the concerned teachers regarding my wards safety, and covid protocols being maintained within the school campus, I decided to put all my fears aside and gave it a go

Now its been four months ever since then and my kids enthusiasm just doesnt seem to have faded as he looks forward to the next day every time he is back. Mind you, he is safe, healthy and even more positive than before after getting back to his old golden days with more responsibility towards self and people around him. Thanks to the principal, administration and teachers unceasing perseverance to see the children follow covid norms along with continuous counselling that has enabled them to grow socially, mentally and emotionally.

I have personally seen the teachers making the kids follow social distancing where only 12 to 13 children are accommodated in one class. The efforts of the guard to check temperature, sanitise and receive/ make checklist of consent letters each day is praiseworthy.

Tanya Mam is on a continuous run from one gate to another, seeing to it that no one crowds within the school or out. She is one charismatic lady. I remember my son telling me that she halted the complete practical for a few minutes when she realised the kids began to cluster. Practical resumed only after social distancing was adopted. Indeed, the school is doing a commendable job and for the same, I thank each one on the board of The Indian School for making life so much easy and positive for kids and parents as nothing is better than offline, especially when practiced with complete pandemic norms. This has indeed made schools even more fun. After all, an atmosphere of friends and teachers around is much more over whelming than living in fear and anxiousness within closed doors.

I humbly request all parents to push yourself and the kids to sense the taste of sweet smell beyond online classes and give a chance to the school to help your kids excel better, which is only possible by their physical presence at school. My son is enjoying his experience, let your ward too.

Thank you

Minaz Khan M/o Mohammed Arham Khan XI A