
Parent Speak

From: Sanghamitra Sinharay Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 12:41PM Subject: Thank you

Respected Principal and Teachers,

I express my heartfelt thanks to all the school staff and the PTA representatives for your support during yesterday's ordeal. It must have been stressful for the school teachers and the administration, but we are grateful for your perseverance and quick and composed action. It was chaotic outside the school gate, with tense and frantic parents. However, an account from my son made me realise they were kept calm and assured inside. Thank you once again. We stand together with the school. -- Sanghamitra Sinharay Parent of a student in class 5-E


Dear Parent,
Thank you for your kind sentiments. It is with the spontaneous support and cooperation of parents like yourself, that we are able to do our best for our children. We truly appreciate.
Infact the entire evacuation yesterday took place rapidly and sans panic as every child and staff member followed directions perfectly. We wish that the media had not contributed to panic leading to our great difficulty in dispersing the children.
Please rest assured that all safety protocols are in place. We are continuously following up with the police to identify the perpetrator of these hoax mails.


From: Raman Bhutani

Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 4:42PM

Subject: Trust school teachers are safe too.

Respected Principal and Teachers of the school,

I want to say thanks to all the teachers and principal of the school, who have put the hard efforts to preserve and evacuate our kids to a safe place.

We stand together with the school.




Dear Parent,

We are extremely touched by your concern and appreciation of the teachers and staff. Yes indeed, for each of us, every child is extremely precious and our biggest priority. Please rest assured that no effort will be spared to keep our School safe.
Thank you very much for standing beside us as we overcame the unexpected situation.
Best wishes,

From: Mohd Zayaan

Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 3:52PM

Subject: Thanks giving..

Dear principal and teachers, Thank you for your active support. I understand it must be stressful for you. Atlast,My kids reached home safely. Gratitude!! Parent, Class 1 a & 9 c


Dear Parent,
We greatly appreciate your support and
understanding towards School. With the support of parents like yourself we are able to overcome to ride past every situation.

From: Pallavi Sharma

Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 4:12PM

Subject: Thank You

Dear Principal maam and Teachers,

Thank you for patiently helping us pick our children from school. I got so much help from the teachers despite the chaos created by us parents outside the school. I am particularly thankful to Aasha Laxmi maam, Rajika maam and so many other teachers who helped me locate my son who had wandered in the premise today.

Thank you once again.

Regards, Pallavi Sharma Parent of Shanay Biswas, VI A



Dear Parent, Our School has and always will ensure the safety of the students. Hats off to our teachers who handled the evacuation very calmly and carefully. It would have been handled even better if some of our parents had maintained calm and restraint in the interest of a safe dispersal. Neverthless thank you very much for acknowledging the efforts put up of the staff. We really appreciate. The Indian School  