
Parent Speak:

Dear Principal Maam,
Greetings !!
Progressive learning is the key to the overall development in more than one way. Whilst many of the intuitions today are focused on a limited exposure, the recent schools annual exhibition focused on practical knowledge, which is a great initiative and leap in the right direction.
It is pertinent to mention here that visiting the schools exhibition was not only a great exposure, but it also reflected the efforts of teachers and students, who went the extra mile to invest their time and effort in creating simple, effective and knowledge based models.
What was most enterprising to see, was the fact that these students were not only sharing the knowledge which they had learned at school, but were also able to demonstrate the use of the knowledge in everyday life.
Satellite and coverage, Usage of different types of oil in our daily life, thinking outside the box for solutions, aero-modelling, drones and their usages, were a few of the topics that were well appreciated by most of the parents. Children were well prepared on the subjects they made their models on.
It is extremely heartening to see that these models were made by the children during their summer vacations. Some of the models were cost effective and with bio-degradable material, thereby giving another message of usage of recyclable material and non-usage of plastic. A team of young children also displayed a 100% look-alike to plastic, but a material made at home which could replace plastic. A meaningful solution, which is need of the hour.
Kudos to the entire team at the Indian School and Congratulations to the students for putting-up such a remarkable presentation.
I wish the all the students the very best in all their future endeavors !
With My Best Regards
My Best Regards RamanKapoor