
Parent Speak - Art Exhibition

The Principal,

The Indian School

Respected Tania Maam,

Please accept our thanks for scheduling and making the Art Exhibition an overwhelming experience for the parents and children. The grand entry, with the skits being performed by the school students was very informative, whilst also giving a very important message.

The tiny tots of the Pre-primary, who were assembled in the garden area, and who performed soothing music was a delight for all the parents and children alike. The children were super charged and looked beautiful while performing different tunes while holding small musical instruments.

The rainbow colored tree with the flowered colored swing made the entire area more lively and lovely. We saw many small children extremely enthusiastic in giving plastic bottles in lieu of small candles. The auditorium was the most interesting and eye-catching for many parents. We were delighted to see some of the art work, which I must say, was at par with professional art work. Needless to day, this reflected the balance that school is able to maintain in getting excellent academic results while parallely encouraging the extra curricular activities at school. Children who were showcasing the art work were extremely passionate and explained the art work perfectly.

On the way out of the auditorium, we could see many other forms of art and musical instruments being played which was extremely melodious. On the other hand, small children were seen showcasing their art and craft displayed on the table.

All the this wouldnt have been possible without the hard-work of teachers and directions from you, in particular. I feel that interactions like these should be promoted more within the school and parents, so that the relationship between the school and parents strengthens further.

With Our Best Regards,

Raman Kapoor

Parminder Kapoor


Dear Parents, We are delighted to receive your mail and the encouragement contained therein! Thank you very much. It is a collaborative effort between us and you- and specially made possible by your spontaneity to partner with us to bring out the best in our children. Thank you for your warmth and support. Best wishes, The Indian School.