
Parents of new students admitted in Academic Session 2025-26

Dear Parents,  

The new session begins on 1 April, 2025. Kindly note the following: 

1. The Parent I card is mandatory for any visit to School. Necessary details should be  provided to the class teacher on the prescribed format in the first week of joining. In  the interim the child’s almanac can be used at the time of pick up from School. 

2. All books, notebooks, almanac and other stationery items should be properly labelled. 

3. ‘Personal Details’ and the Medical Record form in the almanac must be duly filled and  signed with accurate and complete information to be submitted along with the  photographs to the Class Teacher on the first day of School. 

4. The almanac should be read thoroughly. 

5. The almanac to be checked on a daily basis for communication with School. 

6. School timings are from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm.

7. There are 4 houses: CHANDRA (Green) / INDRA (Red) / SURYA (Yellow)/ VARUN (Blue).  The child will be allotted a house on joining School. 

8. House uniform and white shoes to be worn on Thursdays only. 

9. The School website should be referred to on a daily basis for all important updates.

10. The options for books and uniform vendors are available at the School gate.  

11. Please note that the Orientation for the new class is as per the following schedule:

Class VI  22 March  8:20 am to 8:40 am

Class VII  25 March 7:40 am to 8 am

Class VIII  25 march 8:20 am to 8:40 am

Class IX   25 March 9 am to 9:20 am.

Any communication with the class teacher should be through the child’s almanac/School email  (contactus@theindianschool.in) School telephone numbers: (8130206613/9654105329) 

School is very particular about being on time. School gates close at 7:30 am sharp. Kindly therefore ensure your ward’s arrival at School accordingly. 

Looking forward to a long and loving association.  


The Indian School