Plastic waste collection drive
Dear Parents,
Committed to creating a Clean and Green School, the Citizenship Programme is making continuous efforts to sensitise students, staff, parents and the community at large, about their role in maintaining a clean and healthy environment through its various programmes. Environment awareness and consciousness is well reflected in our teaching-learning strategies.
As we know, plastic should be used judiciously and recycled. In this direction, our School is glad to announce a Mega Plastic Collection Drive in collaboration with ICPE ( Indian Centre for Plastic in the Environment) till 2 February 2024.
We invite our parents and students to forward and to participate in this noble cause of environment conservation and to making our School, the community, and our city a sustainable place to live in. Remember there is no Planet B!
The Mega Plastic Collection Drive starts on 29 January 2024 and will end on 2 February 2024. Follow the instructions as below, to submit your plastic waste.
1. Place the collected plastic waste in a bag neatly labelled (student’s name, class, section School name). Ensure that the plastic waste is clean and dry.
2. Submit your plastic waste bag at the School gate between 8 am and 3 pm.
We look forward to your active participation to make this drive a runaway success.