
Pre Primary Annual Day-Parent Speak:


As parents of Kunal Roy, a Pre-primary kid, we were absolutely thrilled to witness such a fantastic and well-tuned display of a musical by nearly 400 little children. The choreography, the coordination, the flow and the entire presentation was breathtaking, We appreciated the amount of hard work, perhaps for months, was put into this by our dear teachers. It was a brilliant display of what amazing things the teachers could bring out from our little ones. Of course the enthusiasm displayed by our children and us parents and our sincere efforts are to be appreciated. But above everything, we're absolutely emotional to see how none of the kids, who wanted to participate, were left out. All were included, given a suitable role and all excelled. Such attention to details while organizing an event shows how much heart was put into by all our dear teachers. Must take this opportunity to particularly thank Kunal's class teachers, Ms Yashika and Ms. Yaspreet Madam. Three cheers mam. We must also recognize our PTA Rep- Shibani (and Tina), always there to help and clarify things and to hold us parents together to make this event a success.

Cheers to Indian School Gargi & Anindya