
Principals Circular, 16th November 2016

16th November, 2016

Dear Parents, Season's greetings! The weather has turned and we hope the renewed spontaneity of the season will actively embrace all the excitement of the weeks awaiting us! As you will have observed wehad a packed July to October session. The major events at School during this periodwere the following.   Malhar, 2016 Malhar, 2016 on21 Augustwas yet another chapter of our inter school biennial music, dance, dramatics, art and computer animation. This time the popular event was flavoured Africa, our School theme of the year. The event was a spectacular showcasing of costume and dances, music, bands, art andcomputeranimation that wrapped us in the breadth of Africa. The enthusiasm and zeal of400 participants from 22 schools of Delhi/ NCR,to discover yet something new about the continent was, itself, a great delight to observe. It was a heady feeling to see the exercise achieve the incredible learning experience, that it was envisaged to be,when it was conceived! The 15thinter school NationalDr.AmidasGoradia Debate OurDr.AmidasGoradia Debate in English and Hindi, is now a landmark event on the Delhi schools' calendar. This year it drew 25 prominent schools from several cities including a team from Kathmandu. Mr.VedMarwah, former police commissioner of Delhi was our chief guest. You will recall the debate is dedicated to the memory of Dr.AmidasGoradia, ancestor of our School chairman and the first allopathic doctor to qualify in India. The Hindi debate (for primary) drew the participation of 21 schools of Delhi and was presided over byShriAshok Chakradhar, noted poet and author. The poise and conviction of the 9/10 year olds was a sheer delight to observe and yet again, it left us with great reassurance that our citizens of morrow will be thinking individuals, packed with clarity and confidence. Annual Exhibition As customary, on the occasion of Independence Day, an annual exhibitioncelebrates the free spirit of India, upon which is reliant the freeing ofour motherlandfrom the shackles ofpoverty and backwardness. Thethemeofthis years exhibition was Climate Change and richlyshowcased theprojects of the students in the areas of the sciences,both physical and social, as well as the languages and art. It was an explosion of effort and innovation, throwing up novel perspectives as well as demonstrations of simple solutions to seemingly complex problems of daily living.The highlight this year was a life-sizemodel of a green building, designed anddelivered, by the students and the art department.Much to the delight of our children,parentscame in overwhelming numbers to view theexhibition. Internships for class 11 Several valuable internships were organised for the students of class 11 to get a first hand flavour, as it were, of a vocation they feel inclined towards.MoolchandMedicity, the Catch factory, the Hope Foundation (NGO), Pearl Academy(fashion design)and IIIT-Delhi (IT college),among others, very kindly opened their doors for our students during the summer vacation for the experience. Next year we hope to offer even more possibilities, in our effort to arm our senior children,as it were,with what it takes to dig in their heels into life after school. There is also an exhaustive list of events and activities during the period, Julyto October,besides these. TheKathacreative writing workshop which attracted 400 students from India and abroad,PratahStutiwith our dear grandparents on the occasion of GandhiJayanti, the chesszonals, IT events, excursions and an art camp at the School Eco park,nukkad natakswith social messages,Shramdaan, spot fixes and community service under the aegis of the Citizenship programme. Our children brought many honours home this term by carrying back the rolling trophy at several inter school events in the city, especially for debate, language, art, music, dance, film, IT, sports, etc. Numerous individual and group trophies received this term have decorated the table of honour in the School lobby. Needless to mention, each activity was a rich opportunity for our children to showcase their abilities as also equally, to persuade the potentials of the quieter ones. Now much anticipation awaits theSports' Day on30 Novemberat theTyagrajStadium for which the momentum is mounting. Like earlier years, here too, classes 1-12 will prove their physical prowess in a spectacular display. Drills, aerobics, athletics, pyramids, yoga, a fusion display, march past etc will all be feats of their fitness! The exercise actively offers the assimilation of the values of team and fair play, besides skills of scale and time management, an invaluable education, in our belief. The School website has details of all the activities and achievements. Here I have named only the highlights. The younger children were also engaged in a wide range of activities that we like to call 'edutainment'. These are planned to simultaneously amuse and silently educate as they get undertaken! The attention span is short at these age levels although the assimilation is the maximum, and needs to be carefully and cleverly entreated. This is our continuous endeavour. Do view the website and fete your children for their effort. For those children who still hesitate,donudgethem on to seek out yet a waiting opportunity,from among the myriad ones that are continuously unfolding at School.These years are precious, so they are best exploited for the maximum learning. My best wishes and thank you forsteadfastly supporting our mission. Ms. Tania Joshi, Principal