
Principal's Circular, 26 July, 2016.

Hello dear Parents! Welcome back after, what I trust, was an invigorating break! The rain Gods have been kind, but we wish the city's roads were readier to receive the abundance! I thought I must fill you in with some of the happy strides made by School in recent months. You may have heard about some of them in passing from the children, but here they are from me. I am sure they will be as much your pride as they are for us all at School. CLASS 12 BOARD RESULTS First of all, let me share with you that our School average in the CBSE class 12 boards, 2015-16 has topped the list among schools of Delhi/ NCR. Our School average is highest at 89.21 ( Best of 5 subjects) and 91.3 ( Best of 4 subjects). There are numerous individual 100s in various subjects and we are delighted by them. But we are particularly proud of our batch-average, as we feel fulfilled that we have made the best justice with every child in the batch. Undoubtedly, the teachers and the children have spared no effort and have done our School very proud! SOLAR PLANT Our School has a fully functional solar plant now, with a capacity to generate for 71.2 kW of power, accounting for about 65% of the Schools consumption.The solar panels are made in India and the inverter is from Austria. The net metering capability of the system involves the installation of a bi-direction meter from BSES which allows School to export excess electricity to the grid. The facility is expected to offset 87 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the first year itself. This is equivalent to the carbon dioxide sequestered by 71 acres of mature forest land! In other words, the system will offset close to 2,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over its useful life. ENGLISH LANGUAGE LAB In the modern world, a Language Lab is an extremely effective aid to sharpen communication skills. It engages the learner with technology to speak the language fluently and accurately. The programme allows for our students to to engage at their own pace to accomplish the outcomes expected, albeit in a structured way. There are 8 levels and each comprises 40 hours of intense language training. Our School now boasts a state-of-the-art 40 seater English Language Lab for classes 3 to 11. It is a modular structure with a series of consoles and computers, where each child learns in privacy with an individual console and headset. The students engage with the language, using everyday scenarios that are provided in the form of entertaining interactive activities. The Lab allows students to carefully listen to model pronunciation, repeat and then record the same. The child then listens to his/ her own performance and compares with the model. He/ she is thus able to quickly self-assess the performance and try again until what is accurate is achieved. Pronunciation, voice modulation and accent correction, coupled with grammatical accuracy and vocabulary get simultaneously developed. VIDEO CONFERENCING A state-of-the-art video-conferencing facility offers students a whole new experience and gives a new dimension to honing 21st century skills. They enjoy interacting with their peers from different countries across the world. It is a unique education acquired, with the familiarity of distant cultures and the sharing of one's own with them. The links laid so, open global horizons in our young citizens and decision-makers of tomorrow. ECO ADVENTURE PARK You will have observed that middle and senior school students, by turn, are sent on an excursion to the School Eco Park to engage and interact, as it were, with the environment. Vegetable-picking and sowing, tree-planting, art camps, adventure camps and learning-by-doing on life-size science models, are some of the activities that have been taking the children there. Located an hour and 15 minutes from School, the air is crisp and the ambience is refreshing and energising for drawing out the creativities of our children; be it science or art or even simply an exercise of creative-writing! Opportunity for sport and exercise is also ample at the Park. Hundreds of young trees have been planted on an extensive, undulating space, landscaped by experts. The horticulture is the handiwork of a specialist of the Aravali Bio-diversity Park, nearby. We can expect that, as the trees grow up , we will have a rich bio-diversity, of our own, in-house, for generations of young Indianites to benefit from. An amphitheatre is on the anvil. Besides this, a water-harvesting plant and a bio-gas plant are planned to give the children a first-hand experience of these important elements of conservation. These are some of the several things we have been putting together in the direction of excellence and the vision of our chairman, Mr. Goradia. Thank you for your spontaneity and support as we continuously navigate towards attempting to build our ' ocean liners with Indian anchors and ethical rudders''. Best wishes, Ms. Tania Joshi, Principal.