
Principals Newsletter for July-Aug 2018

Principals Newsletter


Hello dear Parents,


Its been a little over a month since School reopened after the summer break. The rain gods have been kind and we feel rejuvenated as we go about accomplishing our objectives of the term. Heres an update of the happenings at School.


Awards at inter school competitions

Our students have already collected a heap of laurels for their School since coming back this term. Some of the honours are as below.

Our School team took the Rolling Trophy at the Dr. Stya Paul Memorial Mathematics Quest 2018 held at Apeejay School Saket on 26 July.Anshuman Srivastawa won the first prize for Logic o Run and Aatif Hussain took the first prize for Math Extempore.

Our School also won the Rolling Trophy at Mathability 2018, an inter school math competition held at Gyan Bharti School on 13 July. Avantika Chodha, 12D won the award for Best Speaker at the Lahartara Thought Conclave held at Sunbeam School Lahartara, (Varanasi) on 11July 2018. Shrey Gogia (XI A) won the award for the Best Bridge. Avantika Chodha 12D, Aatif Husain 12B and Shrey Gogia 11A took the second prize at the Raghubir Singh English Multi Format Senior Debateheld at Modern School, Barakhamba Road on 13 July, 2018. The team also won the award for Best Motion Framing. Ranveer Bhalla won the first prize for Gaming at Blue Bells International Schools annual inter school tech fest, ENIAC 2018 held on 26 July. At the 10th Goenkan Grandeur held at G D Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj on 26 July, 2018, Milanpreet Kaur, class 12E took the second prize for Indian folk song (solo) and Anmol Singh Gandhi, 11A was named Best Tabla Accompanist At Mosaic-Patterns of Life ( inter school psycho-socio competition) held at Delhi Public School, RK Puram on 28 July18, Avantika Chodha,class 12D, was awarded the first position for turncoat debate and Muskaan Sancheti, 12B was awarded the second position for photo essay.


Chess Zonal level awards

Our School played host to the Zonal chess tournament on 1-4 August, 2018. Here our Schools performance was as follows.

First position in Sub Junior and Junior Boys and Second in Senior Boys Second position in Sub Junior and Junior Girls  

Annual inter house Badminton tournament organised by students

This popular event was organised for the third year in a row by the senior students who are themselves badminton enthusiasts. Over 300 students both junior and senior participated over 3 days, 24-27 July, 2018. Several children have thus learnt to love the game.


Department of Science and Technology awards for innovation

Shrey Gogia of class 11, Aayushi Verma of class 12 and Sidaqdeep Singh of class 11 were named recipients of the Inspire awards of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, for innovative scientific ideas proposed by them. Aayushis concept seeks to convert sound energy to electrical energy; Shreys concept was a sensor-based aid for visually impaired people and Sidaqdeep conceived of a Bluetooth burner which will be helpful for physically challenged people.


Environment Week

Environment Week 9- 13 July18 led the line up of activities. The recent tree cutting drive in the capital was a major focus and involved an animated dialogue by students with noted environmentalist Vimlendu Jha, founder of the NGO- Swechcha on the subject. ( Swechcha, as you may be aware is working with our students on planting an urban forest in the School eco park). The children were agitated and uninhibited as they united in their anguish at the devastation.

All classes, age appropriately, undertook manifold activities to engage with new awareness for the preservation of the environment. There were workshops on plastic pollution, recycling and waste segregation, nature trails, a plantation drive ( 400 saplings were planted by pre primary students), a nukkad natak, dance-drama on protection of animals, special assemblies, art and craft, book readings, storytelling, role plays, nature photography, etc. All this made for a rich offering to the cause of sustainability.


Atal Tinkering Lab

Our School has qualified to be granted an Atal Tinkering Lab by the Niti Aayog. This will enable students to be acquainted first hand with state-of-the-art equipment like 3D printers, robotics and electronics development tools to encourage them to innovate with skills of the future such as design and computational thinking, adaptive learning and artificial intelligence. We hope to get get this ready and started at an early opportunity.


17th Dr. Amidas Goradia National Debate in English and Hindi

On 8 August, 41 schools including 17 schools from outside Delhi ( including Kathmandu) vied for the honours at this years celebrated inter school debate in English.

This year, the occasion was graced by H.E. Sir Dominic Asquith, High Commissioner for United Kingdom in India and Ms. Namita Gokhale, famous writer, publisher and Director of the Jaipur Literature Festival as chief guest and guest of honour respectively.

The theme for the debate this year was based on the 5 strands of contemporary history - 1230th birth commemoration of Adi Shankaracharya-a spiritual giant and one of the greatest debaters of all times; the completion of 100 years of World War I; the 200th year commemoration of the Paika Rebellion of Orissa, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and the birth of Karl Marx.

With each team fiercely showcasing its prowess at skilful thinking, the debate was a display of oratorical skills of an impressive order.

On 9 August, the contest continued in Hindi for the children of primary. This year 28 leading schools of Delhi- NCR competed in camaraderie for the honours as Shri Pankaj Pachauri, noted television anchor blessed the occasion.


Academic interactions with School Chairman

Author, thinker and speaker, School Chairman Mr. Prafull Goradia continually endeavours to engage the students of various levels on topics of social relevance. Lively interactions with Mr. Goradia provide students a platform to think and take back valuable inputs to help be well- informed future citizens of the country.

This term students of class 11 brainstormed with Mr. Goradia, on the Role of Religion in our Lives on 24 July, 2018. Another interaction on Democracy engaged classes 8 and 9. On 6 August, classes 6 and 7 sought an interaction with Chairman sir on The state of politics in our country! It is delightful to observe that students are concerned and thinking- hallmarks of responsible citizenship of the future.


Citizenship Programme

On 4 August, a group of our students engaged with their peers at a local community school located near the School eco park. They demonstrated principles of science on the life size science models erected there and brainstormed about these, for the benefit of the visitors. Informally thus, our students extended themselves for the community by sharing knowledge and resources.


Undoubtedly I feel proud to share these accomplishments of our young Indianites with you, as you will be to know about them. They are equally our children, to nurture and nourish. Rest assured we will not spare any opportunity, academic and extra curricular, to bring up confident and holistic young personalities.

Every child has something special to offer- it is just waiting to be discovered. So dear parents, do encourage your children to participate, enjoy and excel in the extensive assortment of activities that our School offers.

    My best wishes, Ms. T. Joshi, Principal.