
Safety Circular

Dear Parents,

We are all very distraught at the incidents of the past week. Whilst we have, at our School attempted to make security an integral part of our everyday attention, we have nevertheless taken a fresh overview of our systems to tighten areas where the slightest scope for the same remains.

Visitors are granted entry only against a signed gate pass from the Director/ Principal/ Vice Principals/ Head Teachers or the Bursar. Entry is only through the front gate.

Repairs and maintenance involving workmen from outside is restricted to Sundays and non- working Saturdays.

Housekeeping staff/ guards/ gardeners/ canteen persons are frisked before entry into the School compound.

The number of CCTV cameras are being enhanced to cover more points such as entry points to toilets.

Workers and maids use separate toilets and a water cooler outside the main building.

Police verification for all staff members is being processed/ updated as per government directions.

As you know the School does not have its own transport, so it is imperative that parents ensure that their choice of transport, be it private car, car pool, van, bus etc., is properly screened for safety. Drivers must be police verified at all times. Here we suggest that a parent by rotation travelling on the transport everyday is the best safeguard against any violation by the transporter. Making the time for this once in a few weeks is not a tall order when your child's safety is at stake. Please do think about this and I am sure you will agree. Another suggestion we wish to reiterate is the use of vans or cabs with women drivers.

So let's please work together continuously to keep our dear children safe at all times.

Ms. Tania Joshi, Principal.