
Sports' Day Circular

Sports Day shall be held on 20 November, 2014 at the Thyagaraj Stadium.

On account of practices scheduled for the same, parents are requested to kindly note the following details and make appropriate pick-up and drop arrangements for their wards.

Parents must coordinate with the van drivers and bus vendors who have been informed of the same.

Keeping the safety of the students in mind, parent-requests for early departures cannot be sanctioned.

Note: Students to report at the Thyagaraj Stadium on all days as per the schedule given. No student should be dropped at School.

On the day of the event, ie., 20 November, buses will ply to pick- up the children from home in the afternoon only. Hence, parents need to make their own arrangements for picking up their wards at the Stadium after the event is over.

SCHEDULE FOR Monday, 17th November and Tuesday, 18th November, 2014.

Classes 1 to 5 - 7:30 am to 1:30 pm Classes 6 to 12 - 7:30 am to 1:30 pm

Entry and Exit from Gate No 3A for parents. Entry and Exit from Gate No 3 B for buses Entry and Exit from Gate 1 for vans .

SCHEDULE FOR 19th November, 2014

Classes 1-12- 1:45 pm to 5:30 pm

Entry and Exit from Gate No 3A for parents. Entry and Exit from Gate No 3B for buses Entry and Exit from Gate 1 for vans

SCHEDULE FOR 20th November, 2014

Classes 1 to 12- 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Students to report at Thyagaraj Stadium at 2:30 pm to their respective class teachers.

Entry and Exit from Gate No 3A for parents . Entry and Exit from Gate No 3B for buses. Entry and Exit from Gate 1 for vans.

Wearing the School Identity Card is mandatory. All students from classes 1 to 5 to come dressed in the costume provided, white sports' shoes and house-specific socks. Personal belongings must be neatly labeled with the students name, class and section.

Students of classes 6-12 to come wearing the School summer sports uniform. ( Check Almanac for details). The PTA drill costumes should be carried neatly packed in a bag.
