Sports Day Circular
Dear Parents,
We are happy to announce the return of our Annual Sports Day!
This year, our Annual Sports Day will be based on our School theme, 'Reclaiming our Planet.' It promises to be an exciting event, as in the past, allowing the children to showcase their athletic skills and creative talent. It shall also be a tribute to our rich and glorious Indian culture that has always built upon good health through folk dance.
The occasion will feature a range of races, including sprints, relays, and fun games, allowing our children to compete, and learn valuable life skills and team work. In addition to races, there will be colourful displays and performances.
We believe that Sports Day is not just about competition but is also an opportunity for personal growth. Through participation, students will develop essential life skills such as confidence, leadership, time management and sportsmanship.
1. The tentative dates for the Annual Sports Day are the evenings of December 9th/23rd, 2023. (It is dependent on the availability of the stadium.)
2. Practice sessions will be held during school hours in the zero period.
3. The children who wish to participate should bring in their parents' consent and deposit the costume money as soon as possible so that we can plan the events accordingly.
4. Parents of participants will be invited to view the show.
5. While we strongly encourage all children to participate, please note that participation is voluntary.
6. An amount of Rs.1500-will be chargeable to cover the cost of venue, costume and refreshments etc.
We look forward to making this Annual Sports Day a memorable one!
Consent Slip
I ____________________________ parent of ____________________________, of class_________section_______, give my consent for my child to participate in the Annual Sports Day to be held in December 2023.
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________
Date: __________