
Swine Flu (H1N1 flu) Advisory

Swine flu is very contagious. The disease is spread through saliva and mucus particles via:

  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • touching a germ-covered surface and then touching the eyes or nose.
  • Symptoms of Swine Flu

    In children the ailment can be contagious for as long as 10 days. Most symptoms are the same as the seasonal flu. They can include:

  • cough
  • fever
  • sore throat
  • stuffy or runny nose
  • body aches
  • headache
  • chills
  • fatigue
  • Diagnosing Swine Flu

    A diagnosis is made by a swab of the nose or throat by a path lab.

    Treatment Tamiflu is the recommended medication for Swine Flu ( cannot be used as preventive measure for the ailment). It is only available against a medical prescription at select government hospitals. You can contact the 24/7 helpline 011-22307145 if required. Prevention Easy ways to prevent swine flu include:
  • Stay home if you are sick-If you do have Swine Flu (H1N1 flu), you can give it to others starting about 24 hours before you develop symptoms and upto 7 days into the ailment.
  • Wash your hands frequently -Use antibacterial soap to clean your hands often. Wash them at least for 15 seconds and rinse with running water. Use of the sanitizer can also help.
  • Get enough sleep -Try to get 8 hours of sound sleep every night to keep your immune system fit.
  • Keep hydrated -Drink 8 to10 glasses of water each day to flush toxins from your system and maintain good moisture and mucous production in your sinuses.
  • Boost your immune system -Keeping your body strong, nourished and ready to fight infection is important for flu prevention. Consume whole grains, colourful vegetables and fruit.
  • Keep informed -The government is taking necessary steps to prevent the flu and periodically releasing guidelines on the illness. Make sure to keep updated on the information and remain calm.
  • Be physically active -Moderate exercise can support the immune system by increasing circulation and oxygenating the body. A brisk walk for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week will significantly enhance your immunity.
  • Keep away from sick people -the virus spreads when particles disperse into the air through a cough or sneeze. Therefore best to avoid proximity to those sick.
  • Know when to get help -Consult your doctor if you have a cough and fever and follow their instructions, including taking medicine as prescribed.
  • Avoid crowded areas -Try to avoid unnecessary trips out. Moreover, avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread fast.
  • Reduce exposure within your household. If a member of your household has the flu, designate one household member to be responsible for the ill person's personal care.
  • Use eucalyptus oil A few drops of eucalyptus oil dabbed on a handkerchief and inhaled is recommended. Also a few drop on the pillow at night for the same purpose.
  • Homeopathy- Homeopathic medicines recommended as a preventive are Inflenzium and Arsenic.