
We are collecting E-waste and donating it to an authorised organisation namely, Chintan.

Chintanwas established in December 1999 as a means of addressing issues of sustainable consumption and social justice.Chintanworks for environmental justice in partnership with people and groups from diverse sections of society.Chintansfocus is on ensuring equitable and sustainable production and consumption of materials, and improved disposal of waste. An important part of this is ensuring green jobs, security and dignity for the urban poor, many of whom earn a living as waste recyclers.

  E-waste comprisesof :

Electronic waste,e-waste,e-scrap, orwaste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE) describes discarded electrical or electronic devices


Mainframes, Minicomputers, Personal Computers (Central Processing Unit with input and output devices), Laptop Computers (Central Processing Unit with input and output devices), Notebook Computers, Notepad Computers, Printers including cartridges, Copying equipment, Electrical and electronic typewriters, User terminals and systems

Facsimile, Telex, Telephones, Pay telephones, Cordless telephones, Cellular telephones, Answering systems, Television sets (including sets based on (Liquid Crystal Display and Light Emitting Diode technology), Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air-conditioners, excluding centralized air conditioning plants.

Not E-waste CDs, Light Bulbs, Lead acid Batteries (automobile batteries) What You Must Do

Never break or open any electronic item

Do not throw your e-waste in REGULAR trash

Never burn any e-waste component

Always give your e-waste to authorized e-waste collectors or in drop boxes

Try not to store e-waste in your home for length time period as it may result in the release of hazardous substances

Ewaste Movie: Citizens at Risk : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkndVAwBf_k